
Holistic JavaScript dataflow proposals v2

J. S. Choi • 2021-12-24 • CC-BY 4.0

This is an updated version of an original article from 2021-12.


The TC39 proposal process for JavaScript, since ES6 in 2015, has had many advantages. But it also has a pathology: it emphasizes new individual features and deemphasizes their mutual cross-cutting concerns, overlap, and costs, which may result in a disunited and bloated language. A manifestation of this pathology is that, as of 2022-03, there are five TC39 proposals for JavaScript that address dataflow expressions. Multiple TC39 representatives have expressed concerns about redundancies between these proposals—that the space as a whole needs to be holistically considered, that goals need to be more specifically articulated, and that there is not enough “syntax budget” in the language to approve all of these proposals. This article is part of an effort to address the pathology by broadly strategizing about dataflow in general.

In the time since this article’s first version was published in 2021-12, TC39 has started to discuss the relationships and goals between the dataflow proposals in earnest. These discussions have generated several articles and committee meetings:

In addition, the call-this operator has changed in response to those discussions. This article has been updated with those changes.

Five proposals

The five TC39 dataflow proposals are…

Overview of pipe operator

The pipe operator can apply any operation to an input value. This includes the operations of nearly all other dataflow proposals. This also includes numerous operations that are not possible with any other dataflow proposal.

Status quo
1 + input
Pipe operator
input |> 1 + @
Status quo
[ ...input ]
Pipe operator
input |> [ ...@ ]
Status quo
[ input ]
Pipe operator
input |> [ @ ]
Status quo
{ key: input }
Pipe operator
input |> { key: @ }
Status quo
`${ input }`
Pipe operator
input |> `${ @ }`
Status quo
input input
Pipe operator
input |> new @
Status quo
new C(input, 0)
Pipe operator
input |> new C(@, 0)
Status quo
await input
Pipe operator
input |> await @
Status quo
yield input
Pipe operator
input |> yield @

Overview of Extensions syntaxes

The Extensions proposal adds several new syntaxes, some of which have meanings determined at runtime. In particular, Extensions’ ternary form input::owner:method(arg0) is polymorphic on the owner object’s type at runtime:

When the owner is a constructor at runtime, then input::owner:method(arg0) is equivalent to owner.prototype.method.call(input, arg) – overlapping with the call-this operator.

When the owner is not a constructor at runtime, then input::owner:method(arg0) is equivalent to owner.method(input, arg0) – overlapping with Function.pipe and the pipe operator.

Extensions also would add special syntax for the get and set methods of property descriptors.

Object-oriented paradigm—call-this is a subset of Extensions

Both the Extensions operators and the call-this operator can call a function with an input receiver object:

Status quo
Pipe operator
receiver |> owner.method.call(@, arg0)
In this case, despite having an improved word order, the pipe operator is less readable than the status quo and is therefore not recommended.
Call-this operator
Extensions also provides a shorthand with its ternary :: : operator:
However, the :: : operator is polymorphic—the owner must be a constructor at runtime.

...and get an extracted property descriptor’s value from an input receiver object:

Status quo
Pipe operator
receiver |> property.get.call(@)
In this case, despite having an improved word order, the pipe operator is less readable than the status quo and is therefore not recommended.
Call-this operator

…and set an extracted property descriptor’s value from an input receiver object:

Status quo
property.set.call(receiver, value)
Pipe operator
receiver |> property.set.call(@, value)
In this case, despite having an improved word order, the pipe operator is less readable than the status quo and is therefore not recommended.
Call-this operator
receiver::property = value

Functional paradigm—pipe operator, Extensions, and Function.pipe etc. overlap depending on arity and async

Function.pipe, Function.pipeAsync, Function.flow, and Function.flowAsync are four simple helper functions that can apply or compose a series of unary functions in a tacit (aka point-free) style.

Function.pipe, Extensions, and the pipe operator all can sequentially call a series of unary functions on a solitary input argument (although Extensions only does this when the function’s given owner o is not a constructor):

Status quo
Pipe operator
arg0 |> o.fn0(@) |> o.fn1(@)
Function.pipe etc.
Function.pipe(arg0, o.fn0, o.fn1)

Extensions and the pipe operator (but not Function.pipe) are also able to call an n‑ary function on an input argument, as long as it is the zeroth argument:

Status quo
o.fn(arg0, arg1, arg2)
Pipe operator
arg0 |> o.fn(@, arg1, arg2)
arg0::o:fn(arg1, arg2)
The :: : operator is polymorphic—the owner o must not be a constructor at runtime.

The pipe operator alone (neither Function.pipe nor Extensions) can call an n‑ary function on an input argument when it is not the zeroth argument:

Status quo
o.fn(arg0, arg1, arg2)
Pipe operator
arg1 |> o.fn(arg0, @, arg2)

Function.asyncPipe (and the pipe operator) can sequentially compose a series of async unary functions:

Status quo
await o.fn1(await o.fn0(await arg0))
Pipe operator
await arg0 |> await o.fn0(@) |> await o.fn1(@)
Function.pipe etc.
await Function.pipeAsync(arg0, o.fn0, o.fn1)

In addition, Function.flow (and the pipe operator) can call a series of unary functions on a solitary input argument:

Status quo
arg0 => o.fn1(o.fn0(arg0))
Pipe operator
arg0 => arg0 |> o.fn0(@) |> await o.fn1(@)
Function.pipe etc.
Function.flow(o.fn0, o.fn1)

Among the dataflow proposals, only the pipe operator can call an n‑ary async function on an input argument:

Status quo
await o.fn(await arg0, arg1, arg2)
Pipe operator
arg0 |> await o.fn(@, arg1, arg2)
Status quo
await o.fn(arg0, await arg1, arg2)
Pipe operator
arg1 |> await o.fn(arg0, @, arg2)

Other Extensions features

In addition to its :: and :: : operators, Extensions would add a syntax devoted to extracting property descriptors from an input owner object, using an import-like declaration syntax. This overlaps with the pipe operator insofar that the pipe operator arguably improves the word order of the extraction.

Status quo
const property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, 'property');
Pipe operator
const property = owner |> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(@, 'property');
const ::{ property } from owner;

Lastly, Extensions would add a runtime metaprogramming system based on a proposed well-known symbol (Symbol.extension), as well as an Extensions global namespace object containing convenience functions. These are not shown here.

Although Extensions originally also proposed a special variable namespace for extracted properties, its champion has voiced willingness to drop the special namespace, and it is not included in this article.

Dataflow fluency

Developers often transform raw data with a sequence of steps, which here are called “dataflows”. The five TC39 dataflow proposals attempt to improve the readability of dataflows by making them more natural, linear, and readable.

Reading order

For example, dataflows with chains of properties/methods (from the object prototype chain) already benefit from a linear, left-to-right word order:


In contrast, dataflows that use other expressions (especially function calls) result in deeply nested expressions, which have nonlinear word orders that zigzag between left-to-right and right-to-left directions:

count«4»(find«2»(kitchen«0».getFridge«1»()), pred«3»).toString«5»()

Right now, these “fluent interfaces” are possible only with prototype-based method chaining, where each method already belongs to the prototype chain of its receiver. TC39 should make the benefits of fluent interfaces applicable to more code. The dataflow proposals, like the pipe operator, would make this possible in such situations.

kitchen«0».getFridge«1»() |> find«2»(@, pred«3») |> count«4»(@).toString«5»()

Excessive boilerplate

Reading order is not the only determinant of dataflow fluency. Excessive boilerplate and visual noise can also compromise dataflow fluency.

For example, although the pipe operator improves fluency in many expressions by rearranging their reading order, developers should be discouraged to use the pipe operator on ordinary method chains, such as:


Even though the version with the pipe operator still has a fluent word order, its excessive boilerplate and visual noise unnecessarily worsen the dataflow’s readability:

kitchen«0» |> @.getFridge«1»() |> @.find«2»(pred«3») |> @.count«4»() |> @.toString«5»()

Furthermore, .call is very common in object-oriented code for various reasons. Despite this, the .call method is clunky and not fluent. It introduces a unnatural, zigzagging reading order that breaks otherwise left-to-right linear dataflows:

find.call«2»(kitchen«0».getFridge«1»(), pred«3») |> count«4»(@).toString«5»()

Introducing the pipe operator improves the word order to be consistently left to right, but the result is perhaps even less readable. Excessive boilerplate separates the function from its receiver and arguments:

kitchen«0».getFridge«1»() |> find.call(@,«2» pred«3») |> count«4»(@).toString«5»()

A separate operator like call-this would be needed to improve the word order without otherwise compromising readability. Developers would be discouraged from using the pipe operator with .call due to poor readability:

kitchen«0».getFridge«1»()~>find«2»(@, pred«3») |> count«4»(@).toString«5»()

Likewise, dataflow could generally be replaced with series of temporary variables, but temporary variables may also reduce fluency by introducing excessive boilerplate and visual noise:

const fridge = kitchen«0».getFridge«1»();
const findResult = find.call«2»(fridge«3», pred«4»);
const c = count«5»(findResult«6»);

Ecosystem schism—status quo

JavaScript is a multiparadigm language, but its design has resulted in an ecosystem schism, fragmented between two paradigms:

Furthermore, both the object-oriented paradigm and functional paradigm in JavaScript may be split into several sub-paradigms:

These two paradigms have different trade-offs, and developers must choose between APIs that use one or the other. Perhaps the two most important trade-offs are in dataflow fluency and in module splitting:

Object-oriented ƒ calls: ƒs that use this Other expressions Functional ƒ calls: ƒs that do not use this
ƒ from prototype chain ƒ not from prototype chain Input-last n‑ary ƒ Input-zeroth n‑ary ƒ Curried unary ƒ
x.fn(0) fn.call(x, 0) await x fn(0, x) fn(x, 0) fn(0)(x)
Good, fluent, left-to-right reading order. Clunky right-to-left reading order with distracting call boilerplate word. Variable reading order, depending on whether operator is prefix, infix, postfix, or circumfix. Clunky right-to-left reading order is difficult to read due to deeply nested function calls, especially when there are many arguments.
Module splitting is not possible unless x’s prototype chain is monkey patched with fn by an import side effect. Module splitting is possible—fn may be individually imported. Module splitting is possible—fn may be individually imported.

Virality vs. interoperability
& module splitting

Dataflow fluency and modular splitting exert different pressures on API design, and these pressures have shifted over time.

Dataflow fluency has always been important, and it may have been a major factor in object-oriented APIs’ general dominance of the JavaScript ecosystem—such as with jQuery or Mocha—since the 2000s or earlier.

In contrast, although code payload weight and time to interactivity have also always been important, it was relatively difficult to perform module splitting with then-existing solutions such as Google Closure Compiler.

Only the recent advent of native modules in the core language has made module tree shaking and module splitting by esbuild, Rollup, and Webpack more generally practical and popular. Thus, module splitting has exerted significant pressure on API designs only recently.

Module splitting’s recent pressure has grown so great that prominent libraries such as the Firebase JS SDK have switched from the object-oriented paradigm to a functional paradigm.

Developers are willing to trade the prototype-based object-oriented paradigm’s dataflow fluency for functional paradigm’s module splitting—and, to do so, they are willing to make breaking, extensively backwards-incompatible changes.

Currently, object-oriented dataflow and functional dataflow currently do not mix well; as illustrated before, mixing the two results in zigzagging reading orders. In addition, only the functional paradigm, and not the object-oriented paradigm, is currently compatible with code-splitting tools that work with separately importable or tree-shakeable functions.

Therefore, as those tools (and APIs that rely on them) spread, so too will the functional paradigm also spread through the ecosystem, exerting pressure on APIs to make breaking changes away from the object-oriented paradigm…and, therefore, to give up its dataflow fluency.

This ecosystem virality is a manifestation of a principle articulated by Waldemar Horwat in the 2022-01-27 TC39 dataflow meeting:

The answer to whether multiple ways or syntaxes of doing something are harmful critically depends on the duplication’s effect on APIs and how viral it is.

Suppose we’re considering having two syntaxes 𝘟 and 𝘠 to use APIs. If module or person 𝘈 uses syntax 𝘟 which interoperates better with syntax 𝘟 than syntax 𝘠 and that pressures module or person 𝘉 to use syntax 𝘟 in their new APIs to interoperate with person 𝘈’s APIs, that virality encourages ecosystem forking and API wars. Introducing multiple such ways into the language is bad.

On the other hand, if person 𝘈’s choice of syntax [i.e., 𝘟] has no effect on person 𝘉[’s choice of syntax, 𝘠,] and they can interoperate without any hassles, then that’s generally benign.

In this case, 𝘟 would be functional APIs (and the module-splitting, tree-shaking tools that encourage them), and 𝘠 would be object-oriented APIs. Mixing 𝘟 and 𝘠 results in scrambled dataflow and inability to split and tree-shake all module code. Because of this poor interoperability, developers who use 𝘟 are pressured to use 𝘟 in their new APIs.

Prescriptivism vs. flexibility

Whether or not this ongoing ecosystem schism is desirable or not depends on one’s opinion regarding prescriptivism. Constraints are a source of creativity and thinking hard about problems. Therefore, one may inclined to encourage migration to one single paradigm such as functional programming.

However, JavaScript is a multiparadigm language. Its core design combines procedural, functional, and object-oriented principles. Programmers can work in a variety of styles within JavaScript – freely intermixing constructs from different paradigms, admitting that a single paradigm cannot solve all problems in the most efficient way, and choosing the best tool for the job. To prescribe one single paradigm as preferred reduces the flexibility intrinsic to the language.

More concretely, there is a large body of existing JavaScript code that still uses the object-oriented paradigm, in addition to the built-in objects of the core language. Developers will always need to fluently interoperate with such object-oriented APIs, even when they prefer the functional paradigm and use tools that work better with the functional paradigm.

Therefore, TC39 should still seek to bridge the growing ecosystem schism between two of JavaScript’s fundamental paradigms. Although constraints are a source of creativity, TMTOWTDI is a part of the language’s core identity and everyday work.

Bridging the schism

Assuming that TC39 did want to bridge the ecosystem schism between the object-oriented paradigm and the functional paradigm, then the solution would be to improve interoperability between them: This would involve improvements in both dataflow fluency and in module splitting:

A dataflow proposal should be easier to mix any paradigm in fluent, linear dataflows using tree-shakeable functions.

Each of the five dataflow proposals attempts make one of the paradigms more fluid and more tree shakeable—therefore improving interoperability between the paradigms:

Object-oriented ƒ calls: ƒs that use this Other expressions Functional ƒ calls: ƒs that do not use this
ƒ from prototype chain ƒ not from prototype chain Input-last n‑ary ƒ Input-zeroth n‑ary ƒ Curried unary ƒ
Status quo
Status quo
fn.call(x, 0)
Status quo
await x
Status quo
fn(0, x)
Status quo
fn(x, 0)
Status quo
Status quo
Call-this operator
Pipe operator
x |> await @
Pipe operator
x |> fn(0, @)
Pipe operator
x |> fn(@, 0)
Pipe operator
x |> fn(0)(@)
Status quo
Call-this operator
Status quo
await x
Function.pipe + PFA syntax
Function.pipe(x, fn~(0, ?))
Function.pipe + PFA syntax
Function.pipe(x, fn~(?, 0))
Function.pipe(x, fn(0))
Status quo
owner must be a constructor.
Status quo
await x
Status quo
fn(0, x)
owner must not be a constructor.
Status quo

Here, the call-this operator and the pipe operator are grouped together because they are complementary. Because of its generality, the pipe operator would ostensibly cover the entire space of paradigms, including the object-oriented paradigm. However, as illustrated before, the pipe operator does not improve dataflow fluency of object-oriented calls. Therefore, the pipe operator and the call-this operator do not practically overlap. Instead, they are complementary: the call-this operator improves object-oriented dataflow, and the pipe operator improves only functional dataflow.

For example, the call-this operator and the pipe operator together would improve this:

import { x0, x1 } from 'fp';
import { y0, y1 } from 'oop';

y1.call«11»(x1«7»(y0.call«5»(x0«3»(input«0».m0«1»(a0«2»), a1«4»), a2«6»), a3«8»).m1«9»(a4«10»), a5«12»);

…into this:

input«0».m0«1»(a0«2») |> x0«3»(@, a1«4»)~>y0«5»(a2«6») |> x1«7»(@, a3«8»).m1«9»(a4«10»)~>y1«11»(a5«12»);

With the call-this operator and pipe operator combined, the developer can freely switch between the two paradigms while maintaining readable, linear dataflow. Object-oriented calls may use the prototype chain (like .m0() and .m0()) or may use individually imported, tree-shakeable this-using functions (like ~>y0() and ~>y1()). Functional calls may also be fluently mixed in as needed (like |> x0() and |> x1()). In this way, this combination of new operators could bridge the ecosystem schism.

Function.pipe and PFA syntax may also improve dataflow fluency for the functional paradigm, although they do not affect the object-oriented paradigm. In addition, without PFA syntax, Function.pipe affects only unary function calls and cannot improve n-ary function calls without currying helper metafunctions.

The Extensions syntaxes may also improve dataflow fluency for the object-oriented paradigm—as well as the functional paradigm in a limited scenario (when a function call belongs to an owner that is not a constructor, and when its zeroth argument is the input of interest).

Ecosystem schism—future risk

Ratifying any of the dataflow proposals would hopefully improve the ecosystem schism, but it may worsen the schism instead. The risk of worsened schism depends on paradigm interoperability and the balance between pressures on API designers (i.e., dataflow fluency and module splitting). Only proposals that interoperate well—both with the status quo and with each other—should be added to the language.

Because call-this improves object-oriented dataflows (specifically free this-using functions) but not functional dataflows, it will encourage developers to use the former instead of the latter. This would be exacerbated without the pipe operator, without which developers cannot use n-ary functions in linear dataflows.

Likewise, because the pipe operator improves functional dataflows but not object-oriented dataflows (see excessive boilerplate), adding the pipe operator without call-this may accelerate API migration to the former from the latter. This would be exacerbated without the call-this operator, without which developers cannot use free, tree-shakeable this-using functions in linear dataflows.

In contrast, combining the call-this operator and pipe operator would equalize fluency and tree shaking between object-oriented dataflows and functional dataflows—increasing mutual compatibility in dataflow expressions and in module-splitter tooling—and therefore, perhaps, reducing ecosystem-schism risk.

Similarly to the pipe operator, PFA syntax with Function.pipe also emphasizes functional dataflows. Therefore, PFA syntax with Function.pipe may accelerate migration to functional paradigm from object-oriented dataflows. This schism may be ameliorated by call-this.

Function.pipe alone, without PFA syntax or the pipe operator, may encourage developers to use more curried unary function calls, instead of either n-ary function calls or object-oriented dataflows.

Lastly, Extensions improves a mixture of object-oriented dataflows and a limited subset of functional dataflows (when a function call belongs to an owner that is not a constructor, and when its zeroth argument is the input of interest).

Runtime cost

There is one more factor of the dataflow proposals to consider, which is runtime cost.

The following proposals would be “zero-cost” abstractions, which do not have memory or time overhead during runtime:

The following proposals involve runtime allocation or dynamism:

Appendix—recent TC39 findings

From the 2022-01-26 TC39 plenary meeting and the 2022-01-27 TC39 ad-hoc post-plenary meeting:

The meeting on 2022-01-27 agreed that it would be okay to have both the pipe operator and call-this (although Mark Miller, MM, was not present at the 2022-01-27 meeting).

Mark Miller (MM) does not wish for more than one syntactic dataflow proposal to advance; he is most positive about the pipe operator.

Jordan Harband (JHD) will block the pipe operator if call-this does not advance.

Yulia Starsev (YSV) is uncomfortable with the pipe operator’s flexibility, but she will not block the pipe operator.

“In general, some overlap is okay, but too much is bad; we have to decide this on a case-by-case basis.”

“The overlap between the pipe operator and Function.pipe is okay.”

“Extensions and call-this are still mutually exclusive.”

Extensions continues to polarize TC39. HE Shi-Jun aka John Hax (JHX, Extensions’ champion) plans to present an update on Extensions to a future plenary, in an effort to increase TC39 support.

PFA syntax also continues to polarize TC39. Ron Buckton (RBN, PFA syntax’s champion) is waiting for the further advancement of the pipe operator until trying PFA syntax again.

The discarded F#-style pipe operator is still off the table.